
Thursday, 18 September 2014

Celebrity Against Party!!

The latest political bombshell is to make the headlines this week to be a new announcement to the music publisher that is behind the US rapper Eminem. Eminem is pressing serious charges on the National Party for not asking if they can use Eminem’s rapping song. This song is Copyrighted.


When I saw this on Kiwi Kids News I was shocked because I have never heard of a rapper called Eminem. I thought that his name was spelt M’n’m. The National Party should have asked first.


  1. Talofa lava, Sini I like blog post about Eminem pressing charges to the national party. They should of ask before they use.
    If you were Eminem would you let other people from the national party use it or not?

    1. Hi Simon, Thanks for the comment. If I was Eminem I would let them use my song only if they would ask first.

  2. Hey Sini I really like your post about Celebrity Against Party!! Why did National Party want Eminem's rapping song?

    1. Hi Mika, Thanks for the reply. I don't really know why they wanted Eminem's rapping song without his permission. But anyway, thanks for the comment.

  3. Hey Sini I really think that this blog post is amazing but not that they used his song. But I think the real question is that do you think that national party could make a song with eminem and become a band?

    1. Hi Don, Thanks for the comment. I think National Party would love to but don't you think that the National Party has to many people in their party.


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